Tag: special Ethereum Airdrop

Top Exchange Bybit launched a special Ethereum Airdrop and Zero spot fee campaign
Business, Business News, Press Release

Top Exchange Bybit launched a special Ethereum Airdrop and Zero spot fee campaign

One of the best Crypto exchanges in India, Bybit, intends to support ETHW, the proof-of-work hard fork of Ethereum's blockchain.  The popular exchange among Indian users for its exclusive features and rewards program, Bybit, said ETHW tokens would be listed after the merge.  The crypto exchange will also support airdrops, deposits, and trading for ETHW coins eight hours after the upgrade  Bybit is also leading the industry with "ZERO TRADING FEE" for all crypto spot pairs, including ETH.  The exchange recently crossed 10 million users by earning the trust of all traders around the world. It's growing in India very significantly. September 17: One of the most trending crypto events in history, The Merge of the Ethereum (#EthereumMerge aka #ETHMerge in social media) Mainnet to the ...