CMAI Welcomes Governments Latest Notification on Excluding Loose Garments from Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules
Business News, Lifestyle, Press Release

CMAI Welcomes Governments Latest Notification on Excluding Loose Garments from Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules

August 26: The Government today issued a vital notification clarifying that Garments or Hosiery products sold in the loose form will not be covered under the provisions of the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, subject to providing a few details. Most importantly, the Notification gives a clear definition of a “loose” Garment as one sold loose or open at the point of sale in such manner that the consumer can inspect the products before buying. CMAI has been representing to the concerned Ministries for years now that Garments by their very nature – these can be seen, touched, felt, and even tried on in most cases – should not be included in the ambit of a “packaged” commodity, where the consumer buys the product in a sealed condition without having the opportunity to see, exami...